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How to Start Jeep Compass With Key

Your jeep compass fails to start ? Now you would like avoid using a convenience store. It is indeed possible, depending on your breakdown, to restart a vehicle by pushing. To understand why, we will explain the starting operation of the engine and we will give you other tips on how to restart your vehicle when you have a battery failure. However above all we will detail you the method of starting a car by pushing it.


Start a jeep compass by pushing:

You will first need to examine the problem with your vehicle because this technique will only work when you have a problem with a starter or a discharged battery. On the other hand, if the problem comes from the ignition of the engine or from the power supply, this will not solve your problem.

Examine the starting problem of my jeep compass:

It will be necessary to know why your jeep compass doesn't start anymore because depending on your breakdown, it will not be possible to restart your car by pushing it.

Examine the battery of a jeep compass to restart it by pushing:

Start by put the key on the ignition of your vehicle but without turning it. Generally the lights on the instrument panel should come on.

  • If they no longer or slightly working in this case it means that the battery is discharged. This happens especially when you forget to turn off an equipment of your vehicle, such as the lights, or a light inside. If you would like to have more details regarding battery problems discharging on jeep compass do not hesitate to consult the following tutorial: jeep compass battery charge problem.
    • In this case it would be possible to restart the car by pushing it.
  • When all the accessories work perfectly this means that the problem is not with the battery.
    • In this case it will be necessary to analyze if the problem does not come from the starter because if the problem comes from the engine, it means that you will not be able to restart the vehicle while on it. pushing

Examine the starter of a jeep compass to restart it by pushing:

After this first test it will be necessary check the condition of the starter. To do this, turn the key on the switch.

  • If you perceive claclac, that means the starter does not run efficiently enough to start the engine.
    • Here he will feasible to do start the car by pushing it.
  • On the other hand when you perceive a whirring that means the problem is from the engine for example a power problem.
    • In that case restarting by pushing will not work, it is necessary to call a convenience store.

The technique to start a jeep compass by pushing:

To do this kind of manipulation, it is necessary to be accompanied, since it will take that a person masters the controls et clutch in the passenger compartment and another person is pushing. Otherwise if this is not your case it may also be possible, nevertheless it will be more complex and more risky. So we don't recommend it. Then before starting the technique, we advise you switch off all accessories such as the radio, air conditioning, headlights and lights inside to consume the car's battery reserves as little as possible.

  • To start, try to position on a flat location and if possible on a slope.
  • Thereafter insert contact in your vehicle without switching on the starter,
  • Remove the handbrake et press the clutch in order to trigger the second
  • Stay engaged
  • Make it slide the vehicle by pushing it, so that it can reach a certain speed, approximately 15 km/h .
  • Once the speed is reached, it will release your clutch gently, if you go too fast you risk stalling
  • This will do graze the engine et get it started.

How is it possible to light a jeep compass by pushing it?

The operation of starting a jeep compass:

To start your jeep compass, the latter requires a certain amount of electricity in order to engage the starter. The latter turns out to be a small electric motor which allows you to activate the heat engine. So to be able to do that, drums here allows energy to be stored in chemical form will be triggered when you turn the key on the car switch.

So you will have understood it, if the battery is discharged you will not be able to trigger the starter and therefore the engine. But in the same way if the starter solenoid is damaged, this will not provide enough power to the engine to start it. In this way, starting by pushing the car allows launch it and create energy generally supplied by the starter. So when the vehicle reaches a certain speed and you disengage it will start the engine.

If you have frequent problems starting your vehicle, we advise you to read the following tutorial if you want more details: jeep compass difficult start

Other methods to restart a jeep compass:

Light a jeep compass with a mobile battery:

When you have a battery problem, it will also be possible to restart your vehicle with a mobile battery. You can buy them on the internet for around fifty euros. Before switching on the ignition, connect the + terminal to that of the battery and the - terminal to that of the battery . Then it will be necessary activate mobile battery et start your vehicle by turning the key on the switch. When the engine is started, switch off the mobile battery, remove the - terminal then the + terminal.

Lighting a jeep compass using cables:

A second alternative to start a jeep compass which has no more battery will be to connect your jeep compass to another vehicle that has an operational battery. For this you will need to equip yourself with electric pliers. Then engine off, connect the plus terminal to that of the recovery car. After connect the minus terminal of the vehicle running on the body of the broken down car. Turn on the recovery vehicle for charge the discharged battery, let it charge then start your jeep compass.

To finish: a jeep compass that won't start without pushing it usually reveals a starter or battery problem so we recommend that you fix this problem fairly quickly so that prevent it from damaging other elements. For more details regarding the price of a battery for jeep compass do not hesitate to consult the following tutorial: renault jeep compass battery change price

For other tutorials on the jeep compass, we invite you to consult our other pages on the jeep compass.

How to Start Jeep Compass With Key
